
District Health Boards

Capital & Coast DHB


Wellington Hospital


Riddiford St, Newton, Wellington, 6021

Private Bag 7902, Wellington South 6242
Ph 04 385 5999 


Kenepuru Community Hospital

Raiha St, Porirua, Wellington, 5022
PO Box 50-215, Porirua, Porirua 5240
Ph 04 298 6069 


Kapiti Health Centre

Warrimoo St, Paraparaumu, Kapiti 5032
Ph 04 298 6069


Purchasing Department:

The Materials Management Department is located on level one in the supply building next to the laundry. Use the Emergency Department entrance off Riddiford St.


New Equipment Policy:

All representatives must sign in at the Materials Management Department and adhere to the CCDHB policy.  Any new medical equipment being introduced to CCDHB must have an ePEHNZ form, TAG Trial form and an Indemnity for Trial form submitted. The introduction of new products is regulated by the Technical Assessment Group.

Health Alliance has taken over National DHB Procurement as of July 1st 2014. For more information visit their website here

Supplier Code of Conduct:

A Supplier Code of Conduct form has been produced by Health Alliance and can be found here


Clinical Services

Services provided by CCDHB can be found on their website here


Although there is some free parking in the streets around Wellington hospital, parking at the Wellington hospital carpark charges are displayed here.

Parking at Kenepuru is currently free.


The CCDHB has a great free guide for visitors you can download here

Loading Dock:

For delivery of trial equipment into the hospital there is a dock located at the back of the ward support building.

District Health Board Map